The news site of the Australian HR Institute
You searched for: "ask a recruiter"
The value of a good rejection
Recruitment rebooted
Looking in the wrong direction?
Written reference-lite?
Some job-hunter biases are just a joke
People with disabilities: a huge gap in the workforce
Catch of the day
Over the rainbow
The importance of employment brand
I applied for 68 vacancies and discovered reasons for rejection fell into two broad categories.
Not long ago, social media seemed like a technological toy for the younger generation.
If there’s a skills shortage, why are older workers often overlooked when recruiting?
Are online endorsements worth as much as the keyboard they are written out?
Did you hear the one about the guy who couldn’t get a job because he was unemployed? Except that it isn’t a joke for people who find themselves knocked back…
My cousin Zoé wore a long blue dress to my wedding. The result was slightly disconcerting. Chatting with a champagne glass in one hand and an oxygen tank in the…
A ‘safety first’ society means everyone wants the best health and safety specialists.
Mining is the main game in the Australian economy at the moment.
How does your 'employment brand' stack up?