The news site of the Australian HR Institute
Most recent articles
Implementing workplace changes? Don’t forget about your legal obligations to staff
What are an employer's legal obligations around communicating major workplace changes to employees?
What HR needs to know about redeployment during redundancies
As an employer, what do you need to know about redeployment when an employee has been made redundant? Legal experts offer their advice.
Managing poor performance
Managing employee misconduct requires careful attention to detail.
When management is a bully
Here’s a reminder of what does and doesn’t constitute a bullying offence by co-workers or, in particular, management.
Courting constructive dismissal
Forcing an employee into a situation where they have no choice but to leave is as illegal as any other form of bullying.
6 steps to help avoid an unfair dismissal claim
Here are six ways to help manage an underperforming employee.
Bullies tackled at federal level
Australian businesses may turn to the FWC with claims of workplace bullying.
When is an employee obliged to confess wrongdoing?
A recent decision handed down in the Supreme Court of Victoria found that a group of senior employees did not disclose their involvement in the purchase of two businesses owned by their employer. The Court found that failure destroyed the necessary “confidence” essential to the relationship of employer and employee and was a breach of […]
Paying for annual leave in advance – is it lawful?
Background The Fair Work Act provides that an employee’s entitlement to be paid for annual leave arises when an employee takes a period of paid annual leave, or when the employee has unused annual leave upon cessation of employment (section 90 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)). There is also a prohibition on cashing […]
Job security clauses under the Fair Work Act
Qantas and job security: What will FWA decide? The Qantas dispute highlights the issue of the extent to which employees and their union representatives can press for inclusion of job security clauses in enterprise agreements. Fair Work Australia (FWA) is about to undertake a process of making a workplace determination to break the impasse between […]
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