The news site of the Australian HR Institute
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What can mindfulness training offer your organisation?
For some, it’s a fad. For others, it’s “more critical than exercise”. So should you consider mindfulness training in your organisation?
Are you guilty of micromanagement?
You may not even know it. HRM investigates the problems micromanagement can cause, and why organisations can benefit from a backseat approach à la Netflix.
The Indigenous employment gap is actually widening
The Indigenous employment gap is widening – can quotas and constitutional reform help? And what do organisations need to do to ensure they are successful?
Can corporate egg freezing policies solve gender inequality?
Companies are offering egg freezing to their female employees which may seem benign, but it sends some messages that cannot be ignored.
AI will have a huge impact on diversity in the workplace
A new AI development promises to help employees with visual impairments at work, and could massively increase their workforce participation rate.
Why a good leader needs strong emotional intelligence
Research says EQ is more important than IQ as a key leadership skill. However, some leaders, particularly those with an orange hue, are lacking.
Why companies need to consider paid climate leave
Following a series of natural disasters, US tech company Fog Creek is planning for increasingly extreme weather by offering employees paid climate leave. Here’s why Australian companies need to look into similar policies.
My new workmate is a robot
Automation is the easy part. Getting people to work alongside a robot is much harder – but these companies are succeeding.
Why organisations need to value their talent
Some of the most successful companies have abandoned traditional leadership, and are treating their talent like customers.
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