The news site of the Australian HR Institute
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The eyes have it: give your brand a human face
Sometimes it’s what you don’t see that’s the problem with a leadership brand, says branding expert Mary van de Wiel.
For presenters, it’s a jungle out there
If you want to know what not to do when presenting, start with Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Treasurer Joe Hockey and former prime minister Julia Gillard.
No room for status on a hot desk
A journalist colleague was pondering our imminent move to “activity-based working” recently and reflecting on the gradual decline in his status. From a high point in the late 1990s when he commanded his own office and an assistant, he has been steadily “downsized” to an office sharing an assistant and then to a cubicle with […]
Let’s review this ridiculous performance
Ever had the sneaking suspicion that you are in fact above average? You are not alone. According to technology company Atlassian, most people believe they are performing better than the average Joe. This statistical impossibility is just one reason why Atlassian dumped its traditional annual performance review and scoring system. It found people were arguing […]
People with disabilities: a huge gap in the workforce
My cousin Zoé wore a long blue dress to my wedding. The result was slightly disconcerting. Chatting with a champagne glass in one hand and an oxygen tank in the other, she was the bluest person you’ve ever seen. Zoé’s blueness, and what she didn’t have, were probably the things people first noticed about her. […]
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