This year’s conference inspired and encouraged audiences with stories of struggle, hope and triumph. These posts followed the action, live from the floor of the Hyatt Regency Sydney.
A final look at the event – the endlessly quotable Ming Long.
Continue your learning and self-development through GetAbstract book summaries. Five page summaries you can read in less than 10 minutes. Become an AHRI member and get free access to Diversity and Inclusion topics. Visit to find out more.
What a day! I wish I had the wherewithal to wrap things up neatly but there is SO MUCH that’s happened that I couldn’t possibly do it justice. So I'm just going to re-up my initial thoughts for the day, with a twist.
As a culture, we've come along way. The essential principles of inclusion and diversity have long been a strain in human thought. But that they could receive the treatment of a full HR conference – where businesses would sponsor their employees to attend so that they might learn how the organisation might better foster those principles – is very new. It reflects a changing culture, and an understanding that our differences are not only to be tolerated and respected, but that they are valuable in and of themselves. Our differences help organisations succeed. That's not idealism. It's backed up by everything we heard today.
So thank you for joining us!
Goodear touches on the importance of certification to HR – and its relevance to diversity and inclusion. She thanks the audience, they are the difference makers. There's a town hall going on now if you want to join!
Goodear is introducing the Sandra Cormack certification scholarship. We at HRM worked with Sandra on a couple of occasions – a wonderful woman. This is a worthy way to honour her memory. Click here for more information.
AHRI CEO Lyn Goodear is wrapping things up, thanking everyone who helped make today happen.