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HRM TV: Five big ideas with Ricky Nowak 05/11

Ricky Nowak shares five ideas in five minutes to keep you focused as a leader and ready to tackle the day’s challenges. Here’s this week’s fab five:

  • Leadership: Get out among the people and take time to walk the floor and interact with customers or staff on a regular basis. This helps you get first-hand knowledge about what is going on with employees.
  • People: Ask employees to think big … really big. Ask everyone to become the CEO or CFO for the day (in his or her mind, that is), and identify one area of the business that they would improve or change. You’ll get some fresh perspectives on old problems, or maybe even learn how to improve on a problem you didn’t know you had.
  • Meetings: Everything in business needs a purpose, and meetings are no different. Give people a reason to want to be there, rather than just show up.
  • Presentations: Here’s a good way to hone in on your presentation’s focus – ask yourself what must you say, what should you say and what could you say (if time was not a factor). This simple trick will help you stay on target and on track.
  • Technology: Have you ever had a PDF version of a document, but not the original and editable one. You can pay Adobe to convert it, or you can open the document in Word 13, which will convert it nearly perfectly.

This video is part of a series of vlogs on big ideas in HR. Check back for five bits of wisdom to keep you focused and moving forward at work. Have a question, a tip to share or a topic to discuss? Tweet using the #fivebigideas hashtag or email Ricky at

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