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HRM TV: Five big ideas with Ricky Nowak 21/01

Ricky Nowak shares learning and leadership ideas in five minutes to keep you focused and ready to tackle the day’s challenges. Here’s this week’s:

  • Leadership: Ask yourself, “Do I know what makes my employees content?” If you can answer this, you’ll find that it will help solve many of the big concerns you face on a daily basis, such as productivity and work-life balance. Ricky has created a helpful HR survey that she is happy to share. Email her at
  • People: It’s the time of year when people are getting back into work after break. Rather then push them hustle them straight into work, try and keep those nice holiday feelings going in the office.
  • Meetings: The new year is a perfect time to revamp your meeting structures and give them a fresh start.
  • Presentations: When presenting, it’s helpful if audiences can get anecdotal evidence and real case studies about how what you are saying has helped. Keep a repository of these examples, so you can quickly draw on one when the need arises.
  • Communication: Think about the three top people you can’t afford to get things wrong with – you know who they are. Then, write a list of words that would connect most with them. This will help you get your message across and avoid mishaps along the way.

This video is part of a series of vlogs on big ideas in HR. Check back for five bits of wisdom to keep you focused and moving forward at work. Have a question, a tip to share or a topic to discuss? Tweet using the #fivebigideas hashtag or email Ricky at

Check out AHRI’s social media pages on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for more. And don’t forget to follow HRM’s editor Amanda Woodard on Twitter @HRMeditor for updates about what’s happening in the HR industry.

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