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HRM TV: HR in social media 07/09-11/09

Sarah Miller breaks down what’s happened recently in HR on social media. ‘R U OK?’ day highlighted how this could be the most important question you ask someone; this day also sparked a national discussion about domestic violence, as well as the role workplaces play in helping those experiencing it. On a lighter note, office ‘fit’ means different things to different people – what’s better to illustrate this than Hollywood? And has it been a while since your entry-level job days? For a bit of a laugh and a reminder about what the job market is like for those just starting, check out Buzzfeed’s ‘29 Tumblr posts anyone who has applied for a job can relate to‘. Plus, if you aren’t already on the #FF hashtag, it’s a great way to see who’s following who and how you can grow your social media network.

This video is part of a series of vlogs for HRM TV on social media. Check back every week for a roundup of what you missed, what you should watch out for and what you can do to get more involved online.

Check out AHRI’s social media pages on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for more. And don’t forget to follow HRM’s editor Amanda Woodard on Twitter @HRMeditor for updates about what’s happening in the HR industry around Australia.

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