Make the ‘new normal’ great: a return-to-the-workplace guide

An eBook that looks at everything from health and psychological safety to workforce prioritisation.

Whether you are halfway through the execution of a return to the workplace or yet to create a plan, there are certain things every organisation needs to be doing if they want a successful transition.

This eBook covers the essential components of a return-to-the-workplace plan, including:

  1. Pre-return preparation, from physical safety to professional performance
  2. Top-line lessons – from psychological safety, functions and processes to staffing priorities
  3. How to ensure your return-to-work plan is effective

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Make the ‘new normal’ great: a return-to-the-workplace guide

An eBook that looks at everything from health and psychological safety to workforce prioritisation.

Whether you are halfway through the execution of a return to the workplace or yet to create a plan, there are certain things every organisation needs to be doing if they want a successful transition.

This eBook covers the essential components of a return-to-the-workplace plan, including:

  1. Pre-return preparation, from physical safety to professional performance
  2. Top-line lessons – from psychological safety, functions and processes to staffing priorities
  3. How to ensure your return-to-work plan is effective

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