The news site of the Australian HR Institute
Most recent articles
Employers need to be careful with this new baby brain study
Given attitudes towards women and pregnancy in the workplace, employers should be wary of new research into ‘baby brain’.
Soft skills training can and does work, new research shows
The question of whether soft skills training is ever useful – if soft skills can actually be taught – has seemingly be answered.
What are the real HR trends of 2018?
HRM takes a look at the apparent 2018 HR trends, and figures out what’s fact and what’s just wind.
4 effective ways to prevent workplace harassment
Traditional approaches to harassment training aren’t effective, research reveals. But some more unconventional methods are.
Why focusing on the child is the best way to offer parental leave
In Finland, a child’s health and happiness is prioritised over parental rights – with amazing outcomes. Should companies take a similar line with staff, or is that a bridge too far?
4 reasons why you should absolutely have a Christmas party
HRM has argued that you should cancel the Christmas party. So, in the spirit of the silly season, let’s have some fun: here is a rejoinder to our own article.
Is it possible to solve migrant worker abuse?
A look at Australia’s continuing problems with migrant worker abuse, and whether or not they can be fully solved. Foreigners working in Australia on holiday and tourism visas are routinely underpaid, not paid, and even forced to pay their employer. They’ve been overworked, verbally abused and sexually harassed. They include people labouring in the worst […]
People will blame HR, but never give it appreciation
It’s appropriate to call out HR staff when they've failed to act, or done something wrong. But why doesn’t HR get appreciation when they perform well?
To prepare for a tech-heavy future, should you recruit or develop?
By some measures, Australia is lagging when it comes to technologically capable workers. To prepare, should HR focus on recruitment or internal development?
This is why HR didn’t stop Harvey Weinstein
Ideally HR would have reported on and curbed the sinister behaviour of Harvey Weinstein decades ago. But blaming HR ignores the scope of the problem.