The news site of the Australian HR Institute
Most recent articles
The bad, no good, terrible mistakes of HR at Uber
The internet is abuzz about a blog post from an ex-Uber employee that goes into detail about the company's sexist culture. It's a complete HR meltdown.
The work experience risk: Young, eager, and exploited
Young adults are often naive about unpaid work experience programs and don’t know their rights. Just because an intern seems satisfied with their situation doesn’t mean it’s not in breach of the law.
How to improve your employment branding
Company branding is a familiar concept but what about employment branding? If you haven’t heard of it, it’s something like a shop window for potential recruits. When candidates ponder a career at your organisation, this is what they see.
Why you need to be careful with carer’s leave
Managing carer’s leave can be tricky, for both the employer and the employee. And sometimes simply meeting your obligations under the law isn’t enough.
3 curious workplace trends you need to be aware of
Here’s a roundup of three seemingly counter-intuitive facts, ideas and trends with important lessons for HR professionals.
Do men take more risks? Why stereotyping is the real danger
“Do women take enough risks?” In truth, the gender stereotyping of men as more bold than women is a recruiting mistake.
3 HR horror stories that will make you cringe
Harassment, age discrimination and lawsuits galore – here’s a roundup of some of the most interesting HR horror stories from across the globe.
Is there actually a workplace obesity epidemic?
Every so often you’ll see or hear a media story about the dangers of overweight employees and obese staff in the workplace, and how some have been fired over issues relating to their size. But really, how prevalent is either phenomenon?
How to deal with the exit interview from hell
A US man has received international attention for his furious exit interview – the last thing any organisation wants to become known for. Is he just a cranky former member of staff leaving on a rant or is there more to it? And what should HR do if confronted with a similar situation?
Leadership development: What are you doing wrong?
Ignore the fads, throw away the books and ditch those online lectures, developing leadership isn’t something you get from outside programs, claims a new study.