Shakun Khanna
Shakun Khanna is leading Executive Coach & Human Capital Management expert in Asia and serves as Senior Director – HCM Strategy & Transformation at Oracle Corporation. Prior to joining Oracle Shakun has was the CEO of Right Management, India & Middle East. Over the last decade he has been a consultant to many Fortune 500 Organisations on areas of Talent Management, Organisation Design & Transformation, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development and Succession Planning. Shakun carries rich experience of managing businesses for global organisations like Gallup Inc., IBM Smarter Workforce, Tata Group, Manpower etc. in various leadership roles.

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Shakun Khanna
Shakun Khanna is leading Executive Coach & Human Capital Management expert in Asia and serves as Senior Director – HCM Strategy & Transformation at Oracle Corporation. Prior to joining Oracle Shakun has was the CEO of Right Management, India & Middle East. Over the last decade he has been a consultant to many Fortune 500 Organisations on areas of Talent Management, Organisation Design & Transformation, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development and Succession Planning. Shakun carries rich experience of managing businesses for global organisations like Gallup Inc., IBM Smarter Workforce, Tata Group, Manpower etc. in various leadership roles.

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