The news site of the Australian HR Institute
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Four ways HR can overcome short-termism through strategic planning
It’s easy to get bogged down in day-to-day tasks, but it's also critical to move beyond your business as usual mindset and engage in strategic planning. How can HR do both?
The Big HR Question: Who is responsible for curing burnout at work?
Should the onus be on individual employees, managers or senior leaders to cure burnout at work? In the fourth installment of The Big HR Question, two experts dive deep into this troubling workplace issue.
Progressive leave policies helped this company to curb high turnover rates
When Publicis Groupe introduced progressive leave policies, some leaders worried that employees would exploit the system. This HR leader allayed their concerns and made 'lion leave' and other policies a roaring success.
Can I fire an employee who refuses to return to the office?
While there’s little chance of going back to the pre-pandemic way of working, employers are able to direct their people to return to the office. So what happens if an employee refuses?
When can HR breach an employee’s confidentiality?
If a staff member discloses private information that requires you to breach an employee's confidentiality, consider following these steps first.
Eighty per cent of HR say hybrid work is emotionally draining for their people
Hybrid work is more draining than a remote or face-to-face arrangement, research finds. Why is the 'hybrid headache' so widely felt, and what can you do about it?
Should employees be allowed to send personal texts at work?
This employee’s excessive texting at work crossed the line, the FWC found. To what extent should employees be allowed to tend to personal matters at work?
How should HR manage office romances with an unequal power balance?
Was this employer right to dismiss an employee for having a consensual encounter at work? Here are some key ethical and legal considerations to consider when office romances arise.
Need to hire quickly? Be wary of ‘panic hiring’
Amid the current labour shortage, it can be easy to fall prey to panic hiring. But there are other ways to keep your business churning without cutting corners.
Breaking the canvas ceiling: four ways to think about engaging refugee talent
Investing in refugee talent can elevate your business, but HR must first remove the barriers holding this group back.